Sunday 2 August 2009

Flash, bang, wallop

"Oh, look out, I can see another one!" That little luminous yellow box on the horizon looms larger... time to slam on the brakes. Speed cameras are the bain of a motorist's life and getting caught out by one (flash, smile please!) is frustrating.

However, according to research, over a four-year period, 100 lives were saved annually because of them, with a 40% reduction in the number of injuries and deaths on roads with them.

Given this, the news on Friday that Swindon has switched off its five fixed speed cameras because they are costing too much has been met with horror by road safety groups - they're calling it "reckless". In defending the decision, Wiltshire police has said the money will be reinvested into more effective road safety measures and that they will continue to use mobile speed cameras.

I think that Swindon reviewing their road safety measures is actually a good thing and other local authorities would do well to take stock of their situation. I do question whether speed cameras are actually in the best position and on the correct roads.

And, instead of catching someone out who is doing 34mph in a 30 zone (though I realise fatal accidents can occur at this speed), I'd rather police did more to try and catch the countless speed-loving drivers who hare down the fast lane of motorways in excess of 100mph, tailgating, flashing and using other bully tactics to get to their destination five minutes quicker. In my opinion, they are accidents waiting to happen - take a photo of them!
(Photo credit: Topsy Grewlike)

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